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海外訂單Overseas orders


Available countries: Asia, Oceania (Australia), Europe, UnitedStates, Canada, CentralAmerica, South America, Africa.



訂購流程How to purchase?

  • 步驟一 - 加入會員 

  • Step 1 -   Sign up as our membership

  • 步驟二 - 至官網選購商品

  • Step 2 - Purchase through www.no11.com.tw

  • 步驟三 - 商品加入購物車,完成付款  

  • Step 3 - Add your items into the shopping cart, and finish the payment.

  • 步驟四 - 收到訂購完成通知信 

  • Step 4 - Receive a notification E-mail of order completion.

  • 步驟五 - 國際包裹寄出;出貨狀態請至訂單查詢,點選查詢出貨狀態查詢出貨進度及配送狀態。

  • Step 5 - Dispatch an international parcel. Look up the Shipment status in your order information:click Order Tracking to check the parcel's status

  • 步驟六 - 收到商品

  • Step 6 - Item received, please contact customer service if there's any problem.


If you haven't signed up as our membership yet, please fill in your information to register. membership account hasn't expire date


If you've already our member , please login in to your account and checkout.


When you finish the payment and complete the order, we'll ship on order, we ship all items in an order together, and the order cannot be combined.




You can use Visa card, MasterCard for our international order.




Use in Hong Kong and Macau SF Express


The other countries use Chunghwa Post International Mail

※特別提醒 notice


Due to the complicated cross-countries refund operations and complicated international shipping fees in overseas areas, we only offer product exchange services for orders of the same value in the Greater China region (including Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau). Consumers are required to absorb the round-trip shipping costs and import duties. According to Taiwanese regulations, if the dutiable value of an imported parcel exceeds NT$2,000, customs will impose import taxes and business taxes. No return or exchange services are provided for other overseas regions due to postal service constraints.


Please confirm the items' color and size of the order before purchasing goods, and then proceed to checkout. If the order is completed, it means that the members agree to these regulations.


All overseas orders are subject to strict quality control, and the packaging will be inspected a second time before shipment to prevent members from receiving defective products. Please rest assured to shop.


Due to the different working days required for delivery at various locations, you can check the arrival time required for delivery to SF Express and Chunghwa Post.


If there is an emergency about products, the products cannot be shipped for you within the above-mentioned time, we will definitely notify you in advance.





- 商品價格請依官網賣場為主。

Please refer to the official website for prices.

- 訂單成立後,無法受理訂單修改,有變更需求,請於出貨前將訂單取消後重新訂購。

We will not accept to modify your order while it's being paid.  If you'd like to modify your order's items or your shipment method, please cancel your order first, then re-place a new order instead.

- 若因客戶個人因素造成投遞包裏不成功被退回,我們將會取消此筆訂單並扣除來回運費後,將訂單餘額退還。

If an international parcel delivered unsuccessfully and has to be returned back to S'LIGHT., we will definite charge back and forth postages from overseas' customers, and return back your order's amount.

- 依照台灣營業稅法,SOARIN 將不會開立統一發票。 (營業稅法:直接外銷貨物或勞務予國外買受人得免開立統一發票)

Abide by the law of Taiwanese Business taxes, SOARIN will not issue an Unified Invoice for foreign goods.

- 進口關稅需由買家負擔。

Import duties must be born by the buyers.